Bargarh: Rural market ‘Sharbani’ has been inaugurated on Govindpali road in Bargarh. District Planning Board Chairman and MLA Debesh Acharya, District Council Chairman Manini Bhoi, District Collector Monisha Banerjee, P.D. Aditya Goyal attended and inaugurated it as chief guests. Products by self-help groups of different blocks of Bargarh district will be available in this rural bazaar, launched under the joint patronage of Ormas, Mission Shakti and District Administration. From sweets of Lastala to traditional rice cakes, kakra, thattri, mungia khaja, various handmade spices, dhenki kutta rice, black rice, fried mugdali, millets, honey, pickles, papad, handmade dresses and terracotta items will be sold at ‘Sharvani’. From this, the members of women self help groups will be benefitted. Bargarh BDO Yudhisthira Meher, assistant director of horticulture Gobind Chandra Panda, Rajgopal Dash of ORMAS and members of women self help groups were present.

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