Bargarh: The final year result of BCA examination under Sambalpur University has been published. Khushi Dholakia, a student of Imperial College, has become the topper of the university with a CGPA of 9.03. Apart from this, K Dileep of this college got 8.46 CGPA, Anand Bhoi 8.36 CGPA, Koyal Sahu 8.33 CGPA, Pushpalata Sahu 8.44 CGPA have also succeeded. It is worth mentioning here that Khushi has already been recruited in the Wipro company through campus selection. The average of all students of this college has created a new record in BCA with 7.88 CGPA. Similarly in BBA also 100% students have passed first class with an average of 6.58 CGPA. Himanshu Agarwal of this college has performed best in BBA with CGPA of 7.86. Similarly, Ichha Agarwal secured 7.56 CGPA, Swagat kumar pati secured 7.53 CGPA, Shriya Pansari secured 7.21 CGPA and Abhishek Panda secured 7.10 CGPA. The students of Imperial College are consistently topping the list of Sambalpur University in BCA and BBA examinations. Imperial College Chairman Deepak Goyal and principal Durgesh Satapathy congratulated the students for this success.