BARGARH : Bargarh Dhanu Yatra App has been launched on the occasion of New Year. This app developed by Imperial College was launched by Bargarh MLA Ashwini Sadangi as the chief guest. The app launch ceremony of Dhanu Yatra was coordinated by Ravi Panda, coordinator of the publicity committee, while Imperial College Principal Durgesh Satapathy gave the initial information. Sureshwar Satapathy, the convenor of Dhanu Yatra Mahotsav Samiti, was present. Sanchita, Chirag and Rohit of Imperial College have developed this app, and the audience can get various information about Bargarh Dhanu Yatra. While the Bargarh Dhanu Yatra App has been working successfully for the last two years and this app has been launched once again by the college.