Bargarh : A unique program named ‘Debrigarh Abhinandan’ has been started by the authorities of Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary to educate people about environmental and wildlife conservation. This program will cover 36 schools and 48 villages situated on the borders of Debrigarh within a year.
On July 27, the authorities of Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary inaugurated the ‘Debrigarh Abhinandan’ program at Belbahali & Khajuria Schools in the presence of 100 school children and teachers. This program aims to educate the next generation on environmental and wildlife conservation. It is a one year program which aims to promote learning through field visits. The program will choose young volunteers as ambassadors for Debrigarh. The program has been launched with the education wing of the district as a stakeholder and local EDCs. This initiative also provides an opportunity for the teachers to learn and teach the values of environmental and wildlife and conservation.
Through this initiative, the local people will be made aware of the dos and don’ts of when the animals stay out of the sanctuary. They will also learn to manage man-animal conflict effectively in close association with wildlife officials on field. Different types of competition like drawing, quiz, etc were organised in all 36 schools present in these 48 villages. The topic for drawing competition was ‘Wildlife of Debrigarh’. Special discussion and movie shows were also organised to spread awareness.
It has been decided that children will be given access to the protected area of the sanctuary in a phased manner within a year. Big display boards with images of animals and birds of the sanctuary along with the details of Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary & Hirakud wetland will be put in all 36 schools.
In 2022 and 2023, series of meetings and workshops were conducted with the Eco Development Committees in all these 48 villages adjoining Debrigarh Sanctuary to create awareness among local communities for environmental and wildlife protection.
It is expected that ‘Debrigarh Abhinandan’ program will further help to establish a positive relationship between the management of the sanctuary and the locals who are dependent on the sanctuary.